by Bill Borton | Jul 10, 2018 | Financial Plans, Income Strategy, Retirement, Retirement Income, Retirement Planning
In the introduction to his new book, my friend and colleague Jamie Hopkins asks “Can you visualize retirement?” He says most of us can’t, which makes retirement planning “like hitting a moving target in the wind”. It’s important to acknowledge that moving from the...
by Bill Borton | Apr 17, 2018 | Guaranteed Income, Income Strategy, Lifetime Income, Planning, Retirement, Retirement Income, Retirement Planning
During a recent conversation with a friend she admitted, “I still don’t really understand what you do. So, you sell insurance?” To make it easier, I suggested the image of a laundry tub. I said to her, “If you want to fill your laundry tub with water, what’s the first...
by Bill Borton | Feb 4, 2018 | Financial Plans, Financial Team, Income Strategy, Planning, Retirement, Retirement Planning
“There are worse things than death – have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?” ~ Woody Allen After moving to a new neighborhood and joining the local fitness center, I one day discovered the man on the next treadmill was a neighbor. The...
by Bill Borton | Dec 18, 2017 | Financial Plans, Guaranteed Income, Income Strategy, Lifetime Income, Retirement, Retirement Income, Risk Management
Numerous factors have helped increase human longevity. Many of us will live to be 90, and some perhaps even 100 or more. Unfortunately, in our younger years, many of my fellow Baby Boomers were not particularly focused on the possibility of living 35 years past...
by Bill Borton | Sep 24, 2017 | Creativity, Income Strategy, Retirement Income, Retirement Planning
Have you considered a transition to retirement in lieu of a dead stop from full time work? A “victory lap retirement”, as Mike Drak and Jonathan Chevreau have termed it in their new book of the same title, includes both work and leisure. This idea, after leaving full...
by Bill Borton | Sep 7, 2017 | Estate Planning, Financial Plans, Guaranteed Income, Hedge against inflation, Income Strategy, Planning, Retirement, Retirement Income, Retirement Planning, Wealth Management
In Part 2 of A Sure Thing, or A Maybe, we assume a blend of guaranteed income and a hedge against inflation is ideal when planning for income in retirement, and we dig deeper to help you ascertain the correct blend for you. (Missed Part 1? Click here!) Caution When...