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Like the tips on the end of your shoelaces that keep them from fraying, telomeres are areas of repetitive DNA at the ends of our chromosomes that protect them from deterioration. There is a link to the length of these telomere “caps” and longevity. The shorter the telomeres, the higher the possible burden of disease. The good news is, Elizabeth Blackburn and two others who were awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery, also confirmed that an enzyme called telomerase replenishes them.

If you want a longer and healthier life, check out how you can keep your telomeres from shortening, and possibly even grow them longer. Blackburn, along with Elissa Epel, in their book The Telomere Effect, discuss surprisingly simple ways you can help your body age more slowly at a cellular level. She is optimistic that adjustments to sleep quality, mindset, exercise, stress, relationships, aspects of diet, and environments can help us Live Better, Longer.

That’s our kind of news!

Just as there are protective and risk factors affecting your physical health, there are similar factors affecting your financial health.

The good news is by adjusting your thinking and planning, you can improve your financial health and increase your chances of living a happier and secure retirement.

Begin by identifying the risk factors that you can do something about. They include health care costs, long-term care costs and the risk that increased longevity may cause you to outlive your money.

Once identified, you can take steps to reduce, or even eliminate them.  Consider working with an advisor who specializes in retirement risk management and income planning who can collaborate with your financial advisor.  That’s what we do at W.R. Borton & Associates.

Money without health is not worth very much. Health without money may be preferable, but why not have both?